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Every property is checked before your arrival to ensure the best possible stay.
Entertaining listening pleasure for the whole family
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BookBeat is your entertainment companion for your holiday home stay. Whether cosy on the couch, soaking up the sun on the beach or out on an excursion - give it a try!
Over 1 million audio books and e-books
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Children's books, thrillers, world literature and much more
Check out the diversity of BookBeat! This is how it works:
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A large selection of audiobooks and e-books is already waiting for you.
Every property is checked before your arrival to ensure the best possible stay.
Key collection is arranged by our helpful staff. Available 24/7 or on-site service to help you with all your questions, e.g.: tips and insights for your holiday destination and your booked accommodation.
Be your own boss, eat whenever you want and make the most of plenty of space for all your friends and family.
It has never been easier to find your perfect holiday. Do you want to explore new travel destinations? There is no better way than doing it in a holiday home: Enjoy "la dolce vita" in Italy, feel the charming lifestyle of the French Riviera or the Spanish way of life. Be inspired by our travel ideas and book online - quick, easy, and secure with Interhome.
Your stay in a holiday house or a holiday apartment offers plenty of advantages: spend your time exactly as you want. No disturbance from other guests or hotel staff, just spend your holiday according to your own rules. Whether you are looking for a city trip, a relaxing holiday with your family or with friends. Simply enjoy lots of room, flexibility and freedom in your holiday home.